The school follows the syllabus as prescribed by Maharashtra State Board of Education.
Examinations and Tests
- Up to VIII standard, there will be two examinations and periodic tests will be conducted throughout the year for 10 mark each subject.
- A pupil who takes or gives dishonest help at an examination will be debarred from the rest of the examination and he/she will get zero. A boy or girl may be dismissed in a case of cheating if caught more than once.
- A pupil, who has not paid all his /her fee, may be disallowed to appear for any examination.
- Promotions are decided on the pupil’s progress throughout the year based on the results of terminal and final examinations and remedial tests.
- Highest attendance will be awarded.
- Promotions are according to the government rule.
- Weak students should come to school till 30th April/ till told for improvement tests.
- Progress report cards will be issued only to the parents.
Competitive Examinations
- Maharashtra Talent Search Examination.(VIII to X)
- National Talent Search Examination.(X)
- Scholarship Examination ( IV & VII)
- Hindi Rashtrabhasha Examination.(V to VIII)
- Elementary & Intermediate Grade Drawing Exam.(VIII & IX)